Construction system bau
Construction with overlapping logs, particularly common in Central and Northern Europe, is characterized essentially by its simplicity.
A building is created by simply placing overlapping logs one on top of another.

The Benefits of the Block Bau System
High thermal inertia
Excellent performance in winter and summer
Excellent anti-seismic performance
Block Bau System – Details
This technique is widespread in areas with ample forestry. The overlaying of the logs however inevitably leads to a reduction in the thickness of the seal near the joint and consequent risk of infiltration of air and water.
To avoid this, various solutions have been developed over time including the introduction of fillers, the cutting of the log ends into rectangular sections to maximize the area of contact between the section as well as the utilization of male-female joints.

How we avoid water infiltration
Logs have grooves cut into their underside , single or double, which then slot into the ridges of the lower log . This gives the structure greater rigidity and provides natural protection against any rain water

A Technique to Ensure Durability
The technique of fixing logs together sometimes uses a system of wooden dowels and/or steel screw anchors. The stability of the walls and the resistance of the entire structure to lateral forces is obtained via the joining of the walls using special tappings.
The overlapping joints absorb the horizontal forces generated by the roof which is connected directly to the top level beams which also serve as perimeter blocks. Two great advantages of this system are the high degree of thermal inertia and duration over time.

Projects with Block-Bau
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